The Old Gods claim a new Disciple

13 min readApr 8, 2022


Lila stretched luxuriously on the soft bed she splayed out on, looking out the window as the horizon brightened with the approach of the rising sun. The cottage her family was staying at was gorgeous, expensive, and quite comfortable. She was so glad her parents stayed here on this “dream vacation” to Arilon. Her college graduation was fast approaching, and not long after that, she would marry her future husband. Her father was quite put out with the fact she was rushing into marriage so soon after reaching her majority, but Justin was one of those rare boys that already displayed the man he would become. Even at her young age, she knew he was the man she wanted. She had plans for her life, and she wanted him to be in it. Her father slowly came around to the idea, or at least made peace with it. However, he had always wanted to visit exotic Arilon once in his life, and he insisted they go as a family before she began the next chapter of her life.

Deciding, she sat up quickly and swung around to the edge of the bed. It was just too nice a day to spend engaging in boring activities with her family. Oh, they had fun, and she was really enjoying the time with them, but with her sister being only fifteen, they mostly visited the parts of Arilon designed for families and the casual tourist. There were two cities in Arilon, the smaller city being more aimed at tourism. Rumors abounded about Arilon, from the slave trade to exotic aliens to bizarre, shall we say, adult lifestyles? There were nights her parents left, so she and her sister took part in a group activity. They never spoke of where they went. She suspected they were going to the seedier parts of the city to enjoy themselves in ways Lila really didn’t want to think about.

Lila stood and went to the bathroom. As she bathed, she contemplated what she would do. There were other rumors regarding the wilds of Arilon. Places where creatures like elves, fairies, catgirls, and darker creatures lived, played, and preyed. Lila would avoid those areas, but the rumors of ruins near to the city intrigued her. Others had been to them before, but details were sketchy. She wanted to see them for herself. Rumored to be from the time of the Dark War, when their world was caught in the middle of a conflict between the Old Gods and the Dark Gods. During the conflict, the younger New Gods had cast out the old and banished the remaining dark ones back to their dark dimension for all time. The surviving New Gods returned to the world they loved and watched over those who dwelled here with a benign eye…..mostly. To see something from those times aroused her brilliant mind. She couldn’t resist the urge to sneak away and see for herself.

Or had hoped to see for herself. Since she snuck away from the cottage they were staying at, all she had seen were trees, and more trees. She had definitely taken a wrong turn on this hike and had to admit she was lost. When the path opened to a clearing with a calm pond in the middle, she tried to get her bearings. She approached the water and could see her reflection on the smooth surface. It amazed her how clear the water was. It was like a glass mirror; she was tall, about 6 foot, but the angle seemed to make her taller. Her straight brown hair fell over her shoulders, framing a strong face with broad cheeks and narrow hazel eyes. She was pretty, but she knew she wasn’t beautiful in that way. Privately, she was glad Justin thought she was beautiful. They had never actually been together, from lack of opportunity to make it truly special, but she had allowed him to see quite a bit since they had met. She had to admit; she missed him. Lila wished he was here to make her smile with a light comment on her path finding skills. She pushed it to the back of her mind, taking a slow look around.

The clearing itself was ordinary. Lila finally glimpsed the sun and had a decent idea of how to get back. She paused as her gaze swept westwards. The trees seemed different. Her eyes must be playing tricks on her. There seemed to be a light. It was hard to tell. She was hesitant to go that way. She could see no path. It looked like rougher going than the way back. Curiosity won out, though. She didn’t want the day to be a total waste. Throwing caution to the wind, Lila ventured into the trees.

No, she thought as she approached the area with the odd light; the trees aren’t different, they’re……twisted. There was no other word for it. Their color darkened, and the trunks became thicker. Instead of rising and reaching for the sun like the other trees. These leaned toward that glow. Even the branches on the opposite sides seemed to turn and reach towards it. The glow was stronger now; It appeared purple now. As she made her way further in, the color darkened more. Abruptly, she stumbled into another clearing. Smaller and with some sort of building in the middle. A ruined building. It was old. The ceiling was all but gone, as was one wall. The others worn down to varying heights. There was a slab mounted on the floor, eight or nine feet long, and behind it, a dais. It appeared there was something on top of the dais.

That was where the glow emanated from. A warning bell sounded in her mind. The island was largely unexplored, but she wasn’t that far from the city. Would something like this really be undisturbed? Before the voice of wisdom could get any louder, the glow intensified, and the purple, closer to black now, drew her gaze to the object. She had to know.

Slowly, she stepped forward and approached the ruin. The wall here barely came up to her knees, and she stepped over it easily. She paused as she saw the slab; it was rectangular and had manacles attached to each corner by a chain. Clearly, in the past, people were restrained here for whatever purpose this place served. The voice of reason grumbled, but her eyes fell on the object on the dais.

It was a statue. She saw wings and a tail; the form looked feminine. She stepped between the slab and dais, facing the statue. It was gorgeous. The figure was definitely a female. The statue itself was the darkest purple, and she was incredible. Her form was sleek and perfect. Even though Lila had never been attracted to women, this figure made her heart beat faster. The black bat-like wings, horns, and the barbed tail only added to it. This must be a demon, a succubus, or who knows what. Unable to resist, she reached out with a trembling hand and placing it around the statue. She could only imagine what dark rites performed in the name of something so awesome and terrible.

“Not something, someone,” said a sultry voice behind her.

Lila spun around and gasped at the sight before her. The demon from the statue stood in front of her. As tall as Lila, and even more beautiful than the statue she inspired. Her skin was pale as marble, with jet black hair that was short on the sides behind her upswept ears and the back went past her shoulders. She had two small black horns over her almond-shaped eyes. Like everything else not skin. Her eyes were jet black without white. Just pure black. She raised a hand to her lips, both were painted the same shade of black, or perhaps it was natural for the creature.

“Creature?” She asked softly, repeating Lila’s thoughts, “no, I said someone. I am beyond creatures. Beyond humans. Beyond you.”

Her eyes seemed to flow into Lila’s, and Lila nodded in acknowledgement. This being really was beyond her. She could feel it to her core. She was less than nothing compared to this wondrously dark power, and she trembled with fear…..and something more.

“Now, now, calm yourself, child. There is nothing to fear here. Indeed, I promise I won’t hurt you.” And she stepped closer, her eyes growing even larger in Lila’s vision. Lila wasn’t calm though and trembled visibly, letting out a small whine. She wanted to run, but she was caught, she knew it.

“Shhhhh. I must prepare. Sleep now” as she placed a black fingernail against Lila’s lips, and all went dark.

She awoke who knows how long later to hear a rhythmic chanting. The young woman opened her eyes. She tried to move, but could not. She discovered she was naked and bound on top of the altar. A woman’s voice was chanting. Lila saw a pale hand with long, black fingernails drawing strange symbols around her. Eventually, the woman stepped into her field of view and Lila could only gasp in shock as she remembered what had happened. Louder and louder, the succubus chanted, raising her arms to the sky as dark energy swirled all around them. Lila’s breathing was coming so fast she feared she would pass out, and saw the dark energy gather between the succubus’ hand like black vapor. With a tossing motion towards Lila, the black energy flew from her hands and directly onto and into Lila’s exposed body. Lila screamed in terror as she watched the energy enter her, then in pain as her whole body shook with convulsions. She felt an odd burning sensation inside her head, and her eyesight seemed to expand. Lila had trouble grasping what was happening. She saw everything like before, but tinged with purple. There was a separate darkness overlaying everything, as if she was peering into a dark cave at the same time.

“Yes,” the succubus said. What else to call it? “Yes, you will do nicely.” Her obsidian eyes slowly traveled over Lila’s struggling body and she savored the sounds of her screams. After centuries of imprisonment, the anticipation was exciting the succubus beyond measure, and she wanted to enjoy it. “So young. So strong. So healthy. And your mind. Mmmmmm. Who knew after waiting so long for the right one, she would be a diamond in the rough?” She smiled at Lila. “Soon you will be ever more than you are now, and soon you will give yourself to me. We will be One.”

As Lila struggled against the chains, she kept screaming. She shook her head repeatedly in negation and her eyes pleaded with the succubus, begging her to stop and take it all away. The succubus merely laughed and said, “you should never have gone wandering off alone in places you didn’t belong”

The terrifyingly beautiful demon stroked Lila’s cheek softly. “There, there, no need to cry. Soon we will be One, and you will know joy,” The succubus raised her pale arms, and she was chanting again. More purple energy gathered around her hand, then spread out until a thin layer of it stretched out above Lila’s body like a blanket. Her captor spoke a last word, and the energy blanket covered her. Her entire body tingled with alien sensations, as if a thousand fingers were massaging her body. Then the blanket of energy seemed to fade and Lila’s body absorbed it like a sponge.

Never had Lila imagined such pleasure, and it overwhelmed her in seconds. Her inexperienced mind was completely unprepared for the feelings racing through her. In what felt like seconds, she felt something deep within her, slowly building up. She cried out louder and her head thrashed from side to side. It felt like something would burst from her chest; she looked down and saw a white light appear on her chest, and it rose, becoming a sphere.

A glowing, white sphere. She could see it, and she could feel it. Lila could feel it connected to her on some fundamental level. Somehow, she knew this sphere was her soul, shining with her youthful innocence. The succubus could see it, too, and her eyes widened in appreciation. “There is so much good in you! And love! There’s someone special in your life!” She threw back her head and laughed again, feeling almost giddy. “Oh, the power I will gain from you, with you. I could not have asked for better!” She laughed again, there was a hunger and a darkness to her laugh this time, and Lila’s soul trembled.

Lila couldn’t feel her body anymore. Her mind seemed to expand, joining her soul. Now she could see the dark cave more. The real world seemed to be a ghostly afterimage. From the succubus another sphere rose. This one was black as night. It made the cave darker, and even Lila’s powerful glow seemed to be dimmed by it. The black sphere changed, sprouting wings, four or six legs, a vague head, and a tail ending with a barbed stinger. Lila couldn’t tell what it was supposed to be. It looked part raven, part bat, part scorpion, and all scary as fuck.

Lila didn’t know how she willed herself to move, but her soul seemed to move away from the blackness. The blackness spread its wings and glided over Lila, quickly overtaking her and stopping in front of Lila’s soul. The shadow swung its body into Lila’s sphere, and she bounced back toward their bodies. It flew around Lila’s soul as she willed it to move again, mocking her with the ease it flew through this odd spiritual plane. It swung into her again, and Lila bounced helplessly. She whimpered inside as she realized the blackness was playing with her.

It grew bored quickly, rose above Lila, wings fluttering as it hovered over her. Lila’s soul trembled, its powerful white glow illuminating the blackness. It was raven and bat and more and with a silent howl of victory; it pounced. It grabbed Lila’s soul with its legs, holding it in place. Desperately she gathered all of her will, trying to shake the black creature off, but she was firmly in its grip. She was trapped. There was no escape. With a sob of despair, she surrendered to her fate. The young soul ceased her struggles, and she waited for what was to come.

The blackness felt her resistance crumble and tightened its grip around her. She saw its tail raise itself high, black stinger gleaming, and it struck. For a moment that felt like forever, Lila’s soul trembled in the demon’s grasp, the stinger buried deep inside her soul. Then the stinger pumped what looked like an inky black ichor into her soul. As it spread through the glowing sphere, the stinger slowly withdrew and the succubus released her, withdrawing a short space to watch.

Lila’s soul wasn’t shining so brightly anymore. That inky blackness spread through her soul, seeming to consume the white inside her as it spread. Her soul spun in that strange dark place, the white and black merging into a dark gray. With a last brilliant flicker, her light went out, and the gray darkened even more. Slowly it descended back into Lila’s body, and she saw through her own eyes again.

The succubus looked deep into Lila’s eyes and savored the darkness there. The light had been snuffed out, the blackness trailed through her eyes like oil before clearing, and gratitude shown from Lila’s eyes. Then they closed as she basked in her own defilement.

“I don’t think we need these anymore,” the succubus said happily, and with a wave of her hand, the manacles unlocked from Lila’s wrists and ankles, freeing her. Feeling the restraints fall cleared her thoughts slightly, Lila’s frazzled mind briefly considered flight although she wasn’t sure why, and opened her eyes only to gasp at the sight of her corrupter above her on the slab. The succubus’ wings moved slowly up and down, holding her aloft mere inches over Lila. She dipped her head and captured Lila’s lips in a kiss.

Lila was lost in a sea of sensation, returning the kiss with the passion of a freshly corrupted soul. After a few moments, her breathing finally slowed, and she came to herself, seeing the succubus standing triumphantly over her body, licking her lips.

“No!! oh no” Lila cried out, shocked and consumed with guilt and shame. She could think again. She couldn’t believe how quickly she had given in. Justin….my Justin….what have I done? I am so sorry.

Laughing, the succubus reached down and started stroking Lila’s hair. “Enjoy that, did we?” she asked. She crept her hand, letting the sensations slowly build back up. The demonic being could read Lila’s thoughts and emotions, and she was enjoying Lila’s internal struggles. She saw images of a young man prominent in her mind. Lila shook her head no at the question. The succubus kissed her again, and the images of that young man faded.

“Liar, you just showed me how much you liked it,” and pulled an involuntary moan from Lila as she kissed her new thrall again. “No no, please no, it’s wrong, I’m supposed to be getting married this can’t be happening this can’t be happening no no no,” There were tears in her eyes, this time the succubus stopped an inch from Lila’s face. Tears or no, Lila leaned forward and kissed her conqueror.

Lila kissed her deeply, a new hunger growing within her. She had kissed no one like this before, not even Justin. She paused mid-kiss, Justin! Lila pulled away and rolled off the slab she had lain on. Swinging her legs over, she stood up and promptly fell to the ground. Her whole body felt so weak, but she pushed herself to her feet and faced the succubus.

The demon’s black eyes widened incredulously, then her black lips curved upwards. “Are you still trying to resist? Oh wonderful! You shall make a worthy avatar indeed!” She straightened and landed on the slab, standing and looking down on Lila.

“No! I will not!” Lila yelled, trying to ignore the longing deep within her. “This isn’t right! I can get help! I can stop this!”

The words rang hallow in Lila’s ears, and the succubus clearly agreed as she laughed at Lila. “You truly believe that.” the succubus shook her head. “You’re one of those who doesn’t bend easily, but when you break, you will wonder why you ever resisted this. Go! Seek this help you believe is out there.”

The succubus drifted closer, her eyes boring into Lila’s. “And when you realize there is no help for you, I might accept you, if you ask properly.”

“Never!” Lila snarled. She only wished she felt as sure on the inside.

The succubus smirked, “I’m going to enjoy this.” and with those words faded away.

Lila blinked. The succubus was still gone. She turned to leave, hoping she could find her way back. When she reached the edge of the clearing, she looked back at the temple one more time.

The clearing was empty. The ruined temple was nowhere to be seen. Was it ever there? Was it all a dream?

Lila whimpered as she left. She knew the answer.

To be continued

Originally published at

