The Old Gods claim a new Disciple, the Conclusion

24 min readApr 8, 2022


Mocking laughter followed Lila from the clearing where the ruins had stood. When she looked back, the clearing itself was gone. Just like the ruins where she had been, well, where she had been ruined. Lila’s hand went to her chest and twisted her shirt as her face grimaced in despair. Somehow she lost her balance and with a cry fell on her rear.

The pain jolted through her and tears burst from her eyes. She squeezed them shut and pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes, trying to stop the tears. They wouldn’t stop. Lila sobbed into her hands, overwhelmed with emotions. What had that demon done to her? Lila felt hollow, like she had lost something, but she didn’t know what.

A vital energy, and the enthusiasm that came with it, was gone. It had always been a part of her, and she was bereft of it. She didn’t know what it meant. Lila didn’t feel tired, if anything, her body felt better than ever. She couldn’t let this stop her. Everything would be better if she returned to her home and Justin.

She tried to picture Justin in her mind. No image came, just a vague “impression” of a man. She couldn’t see him, just a faint outline slowly fading away. Everything was fading away. Her bright future that was so intertwined with Justin was gone. It seemed like only emptiness remained. What had been taken from her? She cried harder as she mourned her unknown loss.

She felt a soft breeze waft through the forest. With it came that mocking laughter again, but when Lila lifted her head, it was gone. She narrowed her eyes in anger, and she realized she had stopped crying.Wiping her tears away, she stood up and turned in the direction she had come. She would get what was taken from her.

The troubled young woman got to her feet. She looked down at her clothing and brushed them off, trying to shake off the leaves and twigs that clung to her. Orienting herself again, she went in the clearing’s direction with the pool. She could return to the city from there.

Lila kept her focus on reaching the clearing, otherwise her terror would overwhelm her. Things were very different in her home country, the Arathis Empire. Her family lived in the capital, and everything was safe and normal. The arathians had the same issues as the arilons, but on a smaller scale. Also, the empire had much greater resources at its disposal. If this demon appeared there, it would be quickly contained, if not destroyed outright.

Not here. The island was very wild. It resisted attempts to civilize it, things natural and unnatural always encroached on even the two cities on the island upon.

Lila picked up her pace, as if she could outrun these thoughts. Without warning, she stumbled into the clearing with the pond. She felt safer as she felt the sun on her face. She looked back after a few steps. She felt no surprise the purple glow was gone, and the trees looked normal.

A faint flicker of light caught her attention, Lila sighed in relief it was only sunlight reflected from the pond. The water made her aware of how thirsty she was, and she walked towards the pond. As she got close she stopped, apprehension filled her as she remembered her reflection before. What would she look like now? Suddenly, she didn’t feel as thirsty.

There was no avoiding it. Taking a deep breath, she stepped to the edge and looked at the water. There she was, looking back at herself. Lila looked disheveled, her hair in disarray and her clothes wrinkled and out of place. Otherwise, she looked the same.

The same? THE SAME? How could she look the same? How could she feel so different but look the same? Tears burst from her eyes and she fell to her knees, raising her hand and slapping her face in the water.

“There! Now you look different, you bitch!” she shouted at her distorted reflection, the water still moving from her slap. Lila knew she was being irrational, and it just made her cry harder. Damn that succubus demon bitch. Damn her!

After a few minutes, her crying slowed, and Lila regained control of herself. Her mouth tasted horrible from all the tears, and she couldn’t deny her thirst. Closing her eyes, she cupped her hands and took several pulls from the pond. The water was clear and sweet with cold. She felt more refreshed as she stood up.

She took a few minutes to get there. Lila tried to remember the layout of the city from the maps she’d seen. There were places of worship for various gods. She was unsure which would be best, she decided on the closest one. If she remembered correctly, there was a temple dedicated to the goddess Kirshara close to where she would enter the city.

Her parents were not religious. The gods were not a top priority in Arathis compared to other countries. Her education was lacking in those areas. She thought hard as walked down the path, barely noticing the trees thinning. Kirshara was the goddess of the stars? No! Goddess of the Moon. Kirshara, Goddess of the Moon. And Goddess of Love to some.

After an hour, the path joined a road headed towards the city. She continued until she reached a fork. Searching her memory, she believed one would pass the temple, and she picked that road. It wasn’t long before she was certain she had chosen the correct path, as nothing looked familiar from her walk earlier.

It wasn’t long before she entered some sort of commercial district. The street was no longer empty, and people leading carts laden with goods would travel the street, sometimes turning off towards the long, low buildings that were replacing the trees along the road. Past those warehouses, Lila could see the top of a temple. She was approaching her destination at last.

She followed the path that branched from the road towards the temple. There was no wall or entrance to the temple grounds. There were a handful of buildings, the large temple and a few smaller buildings. She hoped that meant everyone was welcome. The temple and other buildings were all painted light blue, Lila found the color comforting.

She felt a tightening in her chest and abdomen. It grew increasingly uncomfortable with each step until a searing pain inside made her stop. Lila was gasping and placed her hands on her knees, trying to ride out the pain, but it wasn’t getting any easier.

“Here now, are you alright child?” a middle-aged sister asked as she approached. She was wearing a blue robe with more blue clothes underneath. Lila couldn’t see more, her eyes squeezed shut from another wave of pain. She felt the sister’s hands on her arms and a voice saying they would get her somewhere she could sit down.

“Unhand her and step away, Magda!” another voice said, almost a shout.

The hands left Lila’s shoulders. She felt the sister move away. Lila forced her eyes open, looking at the woman hurrying towards them. She saw the woman reach into her bodice and pull out something.

Lifting the object high, it exploded in a bright light. The light seared Lila’s eyes and burned her skin. She cried out in pain, covering her eyes and staggering back.

“Get thee gone, foul one!” the woman shouted out. “Your kind are not welcome here! Leave now or face the wrath of my Goddess!” With that, the object shone brighter.

Lila turned and ran away from the temple and the horrible light. With each step the pain inside eased, and that burning sensation on her skin ceased and she left sight of the temple. There wasn’t any sign of pursuit.

She continued on her way, trying to hold back tears. There was no help for her here. So much for the Goddess of Love. Worse, now Lila knew whatever happened to her was still happening. That light burning her made her aware of the corruption inside her, made her feel it. She could feel the darkness spreading from somewhere inside her, seeping into every corner of her being.

The sun was dipping behind the buildings. Shadows crept out, covering everything. For the last hour Lila had walked this road, attempting to reach another temple. She didn’t know what else to do, and after her last experience, she still wasn’t sure she’d even try. Hell and blood, she didn’t even know which deity the temple worshiped. Lila had briefly considered trying to go to the capital, Gamoray. If the temples couldn’t help her, perhaps a mage or learned one could.

Lila dismissed that idea as desperation rose within her. Now that she knew what it was, Lila could feel the darkness coursing through her. It had made her feel queasy and a little nauseous. More than once she had stopped, waves of discomfort ripping through her. Then another battle with her fear continuing forward. It was draining. For a little while at least.

She didn’t feel queasy anymore. In fact, she felt good. She was reminded of the few times she had tried alcohol. The first glass always tasted terrible, and her stomach would rebel, but the more she drank, the more she liked it, until she was feeling great. Until the hangover, of course. Lila didn’t think this would give her a hangover, but there was an emptiness accompanying this good feeling. Lila didn’t understand it, but she had the feeling she needed to get help soon.

Above the trees she could see the top of a steeple. Lila thought she must be near the temple. She couldn’t be sure from all the trees lining the road. When she saw three people walk onto the road from the same area, she was sure. They spoke, then one parted from the other two and headed in Lila’s direction. The other two waved to her and went the opposite direction, fading from sight.

Lila waved as she approached the woman. She was young, around Lila’s age, wearing a simple blouse and pants. She was just visiting the temple then. “Hello,” Lila called, slowing her pace as she approached.

“Hello” the young woman asked in a friendly tone, “how can I help you?”

Lila stopped and opened her mouth to speak and caught the scent of lavender. She inhaled and her senses exploded. She could indeed smell the lavender soap that was used. The confused woman could taste it on her tongue like a vapor. Lila’s skin seemed to tingle from the air and the woman’s closeness. Her eyes, though, sharpened into razor focus. She could SEE this woman, and she could see something else. Some sort of glow. It was white, and it looked like it was shining through her skin from within her.

“Are you alright?” the woman asked, sounding a little concerned. She reached out and touched Lila’s arm, and Lila could feel the light through the woman’s fingers on her bare skin. Lila felt something awaken deep inside.

Intending to ask which deity the temple worshiped, she opened her mouth again, but what came out was “I’m fine, Thank you for asking. I’m a little disoriented. How do I get to the beaches?”

“Of course!” she gave a small clap then pointed down the road, “just keep going down this road until you reach the third right, follow that and….” the woman continued but Lila barely heard. Lila’s eyes were drawn to the woman’s light, so pure, so innocent, so much like what she lost. A hunger grew. It was growing, wanting to consume that woman’s light.

“Thank you so much.” Lila said when the woman finished. “I shouldn’t have any problems.”

“You’re most welcome!” the young woman said, gave a small smile, and walked past Lila.

Lila clutched the front of the shirt with her fist and twisted. The hunger, the need, was overwhelming. She had to have that light. She had to!

Unprepared for these alien feelings, she had no defense against them. A low growl escaped her throat as she turned and leapt at the young woman. One arm went around her middle and her hand covered the woman’s mouth before she could make a sound. With a strength she didn’t know she had, Lila lifted the woman off her feet and dragged her into the trees.

The darkness surrounded them, but to Lila the woman’s glow shone like the sun. Lila craved her light and wanted nothing more than to consume her purity. Beyond thought, she knelt and rested on her feet, dragging the woman down into her lap. She felt something sharp poking her lips, and with her tongue she felt two of her teeth had extended. Lila opened her mouth, and she pulled the woman’s head to the side. Growling in anticipation, Lila pierced the woman’s neck.

The woman moaned in pain, her body shaking in terror. Her blood filled Lila’s mouth, it tasted oddly good; she swallowed and sucked lightly, The blood was secondary, somehow through the woman’s neck, she could feel the source of the light. The darkness within her reached into the woman and connected to that light. As soon as they were connected, Lila began drawing the light into herself.

The woman’s moans of pain changed, becoming soft and gentle sighs as her body relaxed in Lila’s arms. Opening her eyes, Lila saw the strange cave from before overlaying everything. Looking lower, she could see inside her. Near her heart was the shining orb the pure glow emanated from. I attached a tendril of darkness from Lila to it, and an incredible power filled Lila as she drained that light.

No! Stop! a small voice inside her was shouting. Lila ignored it, pulling harder, wanting to draw all the light in. The woman’s moans ceased, and she grew still in Lila’s arms. Still, Lila didn’t stop. The hunger had complete control. She could see the light fading, growing dimmer with every passing second. A last flash, the light flickered out, and everything went still.

Lila pulled off the woman’s neck and raised her head to the sky, letting out a small giddy laugh. She felt almost whole again. The cave was gone, as was the light. Everything was dark. Smiling, she looked at the woman who had sated her. The smile fell away. The woman wasn’t breathing.

No, she thought, no no no oh no please no, please. Lila called out and gave the woman a little shake. The woman’s head tilted forward and hung listlessly, her eyes open and unblinking. The puncture wounds on her neck were like red eyes glaring at her in judgment as they wept blood. Lila moaned in denial. She had not meant to kill her; she had meant none of this to happen.

What was she going to do? If she stayed, she’d be discovered and arrested. Maybe that’s what she deserved. Maybe she should just wait and let them take her. She felt something twist inside her, some instinct woke up and she felt energized. That energy traveled up her arms and into the body Lila held. The corpse lit up into flames. turning to ashes as quickly as dry paper.

Lila cried as the dust swirled around, some settling on her suddenly empty arms. She got up, brushing herself off as she backed away from the dissipating cloud. “what the hell was that?” she wondered aloud as tried to calm down. Instead she started sobbing. Was there even a point now? It didn’t matter, she would find the authorities and confess. They wouldn’t believe her since there was no body.

That energized feeling returned without warning. No! Lila didn’t want to feel good, she didn’t understand what was happening, but she still tried to fight it. She pushed her despair against that rising euphoria, seeking to push it away, bury it a thousand feet deep. Anything. She didn’t want it. Not for committing murder. No, it was worse than murder. It was as if this stranger had never been.

That wasn’t true, Lila realized. Her vision clouded as the energy raced through her entire being, seeming to give a purplish tinge to everything she saw. That energy, that energy. It was the woman’s soul. It filled her, made her feel whole, and Lila could feel herself “digesting” it. Absorbing the energy into herself and growing stronger.

A giddy thought drifted across her mind. Lila was her afterlife now. Another thought entered her mind: a name, Judith. Her friends called her Jude. Wait, how did Lila know that? As if in answer, thoughts and memories flooded Lila that were not her own. She saw Judith’s entire life through her eyes. For a moment, Lila wasn’t sure who she was. It was in that moment of confusion her despair broke and the euphoria swept over her like a gentle wave. It took her away from her body and she felt like she was flying among the stars.

Lila shook her head, coming to her senses and finding herself laying against a tree. She flipped herself on to her stomach and grabbed the tree. She pulled herself up to her knees, then reached higher and pulled herself to her feet. Lila was breathing deeply, leaning against the tree for support as she tried to calm herself again.

The same mocking laughter from before drifted into her ears. Lila looked out into the trees. Her eyesight was improving and everything seemed covered in soft starlight. She saw nothing out of the ordinary. Lila frowned as she straightened up. The Demoness may not be here, but she was watching. Watching and waiting for Lila to accept the truth.

What truth was that? The euphoria filled Lila, and she could feel her thoughts shifting and sliding with the euphoria. As if it were a river and she was being pulled along with the current. Thinking of the succubus did not come with the resentment she had been feeling before. Lila had been so angry at what had been done to her. Why wasn’t she feeling angry now?

Lila stepped away from the tree but felt something wet on her chest. Looking down, she could see her shirt covered in bloodstains. Two long streaks of it running down her chest from some scattered spots. Obviously they had come from her prey when she, prey? no, from the woman she bit. Closing her eyes, Lila pressed her palm against her forehead. These new thoughts kept creeping in. She had to stop it before she lost herself.

Lila had to lose the shirt first. Not here. She didn’t want the shirt found. Even at night someone might notice a bare-breasted woman running the streets. Or maybe not. This WAS Arilon after all…..

No, not worth the risk. Nor would she try to steal any clothing. She had no experience with shady activities like this. Lila was certain she didn’t need to take any risks tonight. There was only one option, in the dark the bloodstains might not be noticed if she kept to herself. She returned to the nearby road.

The villa stood dark and empty. The entire area was quiet. It was still early and the tourists were still out enjoying themselves, including Lila’s family. It wasn’t dark to Lila. Her eyesight continued to improve. She could see everything as if the full moon was out. Her body was growing stronger, and faster. It had taken much less time to get her than she expected. She let out a frustrated growl. Why was fortune smiling on her now? Would have been nice earlier. Bitch.

The air had cooled and felt good on her bare skin. When she got to a nearby bridge, she tossed the shirt into the river. Lila had taken two steps and stopped, feeling dirty. Without thinking, she took off everything else and threw it all into the river. She lingered to make sure the clothes were drifting away, then ran for the villa.

And here she was. Twelve hours earlier, she had left her family in this villa. Looking to the horizon, eager to see what this beautiful world offered. Well, now she knew what the world offered. She returned dirty, defiled, and stripped naked, both physically and mentally. It seemed appropriate she returned to an empty house. Better for her parents as well. Their daughter was gone, Lila wasn’t sure what remained.

The villa had a small kitchen and a central room, with two bedrooms and baths. Lila breathed a small sigh of relief that the back door wasn’t locked. She stepped into the kitchen area but left the room unlit. Lila could see well enough. Her family must have come home, ate dinner and left again. A pitcher and some plates were left on the table.

Running her tongue along the roof of her mouth, it occurred to Lila she wasn’t thirsty or hungry. There was a faint aftertaste of that girl in her mouth. It didn’t taste as good an hour later. Did she need to eat or drink? Well, she certainly needed to clear her mouth. The pitcher had fruit punch. With a shrug, she drank straight from the pitcher.

Holy SHIT! That tasted good! An explosion of flavor raced down her throat and she drank deeply. She forced herself to stop and put down the much lighter pitcher. Unable to resist, Lila grabbed an untouched apple laying next to a plate. By all the Gods, Old and New, this was the best apple ever! It crunched so loudly in her ears and more delicious flavor delighted her tongue. She closed her eyes in contentment as she ate the apple.

Lila finished the apple and saw there was some sort of pasta on one plate. She reached for it, then paused with her hand over the plate. Did she still digest food? If Lila ate this, would she crap noodles later? She didn’t want to find out and moved on.

Getting cleaned up was next. Going into the bathroom, Lila was no longer surprised at how easy it was to see. She picked up some soap and brought it under her nose, inhaling. More lavender! Gods, that lavender scent was so enticing. She hoped the succubus would like it. Lila shook her head, pushing the thought out of her head.

Lila spent more time than she should have bathing. Her sense of touch had been heightened as well, and she lost herself in the feel of her hands running the soapy suds all over her body. When her hands reached her womanhood, one casual touch to clean herself sparked an intense reaction. She cried out and put her free hand against the wall and her knees almost buckled. The pleasure was building, and she couldn’t bring herself to remove her hand. As the pleasure reached a crescendo, her voice joined it and she sang in joy.

It eventually subsided, after a few moments Lila was more in control of herself. What the hell was THAT? Well, she knew what it was. She had had them before, but nothing like that! If that was her reaction by herself, what would it be like with someone else? What would it be like with her? Lila shook her head again. No! These thoughts had to stop.

The problem was she wanted them to stop less and less. Was there any going back? These thoughts distracted her as she dried herself off and fixed herself up. She wanted to look her best.

As she finished, she could feel time slipping away. She had spent too long here and her family could come home. Lila counted herself lucky, again, that they hadn’t come home while she was, erm, bathing. Going to the bedroom she shared with her sister, she threw on another light shirt and shorts. Everything she brought was for the warm weather. Lila had little variety to choose from.

She decided not to bring anything else with her, still somehow not acknowledging to herself that she was leaving. Lila was crossing the central room when she heard the front door click open. Someone was in the doorway.

“Lila?” her mother’s concerned voice asked.

Cursing inwardly, Lila sighed and replied, “Yeah Mom, it’s me.”

Stepping in, her mom pressed a button on a lamp mounted next to the door. Light filled the room as her mother continued, “where have you been? Why are the lights out?”

“Oh, I was out exploring. I was just about to leave again. Where’s Sharee and Dad?”

“They’ll be here soon. We were at some beach party but I left early. I was worried about you, you were gone so early without a note or a word.” her mother stepped up and hugged Lila.

“You don’t need to worry about me, Mom. Don’t forget, I’m an adult now.” Lila said, still holding her mom. She felt different. Lila couldn’t explain it, but her mother felt different. It was like hugging a stranger, but a small part of her didn’t want to let go.

Her mother laughed. “Yes, I know you think so, dear. I think you’ll find it’s not that easy.” and pulled back, looking into her daughter’s eyes.

Her hand came up and rested against Lila’s cheek. “Oh, my baby, what’s happened to you?”

“Uh, nothing Mom, nothing’s happened.” Lila replied, stepping back and bringing her hands up to her hair, pretending to clear it from her eyes. “What makes you think that?”

Her mom’s eye lost focus, and she brought her hand to her chest, twisting her shirt in her fist. It was like looking in a mirror. “I didn’t feel you today.” She whispered, “I always feel you.”

Lila laughed, a little nervously, “that’s silly Mom, everything is fine. I ran into some kids my age and they were showing me around. I just came home to clean up. I was going to go join them at a club they’re going to. That’s all.”

“Kids your age? I thought you were an adult.” Her mom said, trying to lighten the mood, her mood.

Lila stuck her tongue out at her mom, then smiled.

“Everything is fine, Mom. I’m just going out with my new friends.”

“New friends,” her mother repeated softly. Then grabbed Lila in another hug and kissed her cheek. She stepped back. “I love you, my beautiful Lila. My beautiful, beautiful Lila, please never forget that.”

She straightened up, blinking. “Have a good time Lila, I’ll tell them you’ll be home late.” Lila said nothing to that. She realized they both knew it would be a lie.

“Mom,” Lila began, but her mother interrupted her.

“Please, just go.” her mom said and turned away, heading to their bedroom. With her heightened senses, Lila could hear her mom crying.

Lila reached out after her mom, but let her hand fall to her side.

Lila left.

The mocking laughter followed.

The clearing looked different under the night sky. Everything seemed to have a soft, pale glow. Short grass covered the grown like a blanket, it felt wonderful on Lila’s bare feet. She didn’t remember kicking off her shoes. With every step the nerves on her feet tingled. This was the third time Lila had been in this clearing, but with her enhanced senses, it felt like the first time. Everything felt like the first time. Why did she resist this?

Lila was strolling towards the still pond in the center. She stopped and raised her head, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. There were so many unfamiliar scents and odors she couldn’t tell them apart. It was wonderful. It seemed the area around the clearing was unpopulated. She couldn’t hear any animals or movement nearby. It felt safe here. She continued towards the pond rather than leave the clearing. Somehow she knew she would not find the ruins again. They would find her.

Seeing her reflection again in the starlight, Lila was perversely pleased to see she did indeed look different now. The changes were more than cosmetic. She stood straight, looking taller than before. Lila wasn’t sure, but her hair appeared darker. She looked closer, her arms seemed more toned. So were her legs. She took off her shirt. Even her abdomen was flat and more defined. She smiled. She felt so strong. Why shouldn’t she look strong?

“Yes, you’re beginning to understand now.” a familiar voice said. The succubus appeared behind her, looking over Lila’s shoulder at the pool. For a split second, Lila couldn’t tell their faces apart. She spun around, intending to push the demoness away, but she lost her balance and fell over.

Before she could hit the water, a hand grabbed hers and pulled her back upright. Lila was relieved to see the succubus’ face looked as it did the first time they met, black eyes, horns, and all. She looked down at their clasped hands and gasped in shock. Her fingernails were as long as the succubus’ and the same shade of black.

“Acceptance is only the beginning.” the succubus continued, not releasing Lila’s hand. Those black eyes looked her over. “I see you found help after all,” she finished with a smirk.

Lila snatched her hand away in disgust. “How can you joke like that? She’s dead. I……I…..” Lila looked away, unable to finish.

The succubus reached out and took Lila’s chin between her thumb and finger, pulling her gaze back to the demoness. “That’s right!” the demoness said fiercely, “And she won’t be the last. Oh, we don’t kill indiscriminately, but really, they’re just mortals.”

Lila opened her mouth to speak, but the succubus released her chin and placed her fingertip against her lips in one lightning quick motion, silencing her.

Those black eyes captured Lila’s, pulling her in, taking her to a place where there were no lies, only dark truths. Lila tried to pull back, but the succubus was too strong, her claim on Lila too firm.

“You enjoyed every minute. I saw. Admit it to yourself.” the succubus said, almost a command.

“Yes,” Lila said breathily, her knees almost buckling, “Yes, I enjoyed it,”

The succubus took her by the shoulder and turned her back towards the pool. This time it did not surprise Lila to see their faces looked alike again, both seemed a blend of their faces. Lila’s coloring had lightened, looking almost as pale as her captor’s. The succubus was also topless and wore black shorts, the same style as Lila’s. Lila didn’t question that either, she looked like a lesser version of the succubus. Not quite as tall, not quite as beautiful, not quite as powerful. Lila wished she looked more like the succubus.

“That’s right. You did,” the succubus smiled slyly and began twirling Lila’s now black hair between her fingers. Leaning in closer, she whispered in Lila’s ear, ‘and you’d do it again, wouldn’t you?”

The succubus’ closeness overwhelmed Lila, swept up by alien desires she wasn’t sure were her own, but no longer caring. Feeling as if she were crossing a line from which there was no going back, she replied.


The demoness’ smile deepened, and she turned Lila to their right. There, standing at the edge of the clearing, a figure stood. Lila could see it was one of Judith’s friends at the temple. She stood silently, her lips parted and her eyes glazed over. It was as if she were listening to a song only she could hear. Perhaps she was.

“I drew her here in anticipation of your arrival.” the succubus whispered into Lila’s ear, hands on both shoulders. “Before, you took her friend by instinct, without thought, without proper choice. Now, accept what you are, accept what you have always been, and always will be. Take her. Take her in My name and become Mine.”

“Yes.” Lila said in a deep moan, unable to resist the urging. Her hunger had returned, and her nearness to the succubus amplified it, making Lila want to feed more, because the succubus wanted it. She felt her fangs extend in her mouth.

The succubus squeezed her shoulders. “No. we’re not vampires, and we’re certainly not undead. There are more refined ways, follow your instincts. Let it happen.”

Lila nodded and stepped forward, feeling her fangs recede. She didn’t know how she did, but she called to the woman mentally, wishing Judith’s friend to come to her.

The poor young woman at the wrong place at the wrong time shuffled forward. She wasn’t as attractive as Judith, being of plainer face. She was also slightly overweight, but she carried it in a way that would make her attractive in most circles.

There was something more. Judith’s soul had been young and innocent, but now Lila could see that Judith had known carnal pleasures. Her friend had not, and her soul shone even brighter, having never known the ways of an adult. Yes, it was her soul. Lila could admit that now, her hunger left no room for self-deception.

The woman shuffled closer, never quite lifting her feet off the ground as she approached, and stopped. She was swaying, still captivated by whatever the succubus had done to her.

Lila stepped forward, raising her hand, curling her middle fingers inwards and extending her pinkie and index fingers. Her long, black fingernails gleamed in the starlight. Lila pressed them to the innocent woman’s neck, one fingernail on either side of her throat.

The woman gasped, eyes widening as she felt something inside herself open up, allowing Lila to enter. Lila could see dark tendril from her fingernails delve into the girl and attach themselves to her light. Lila’s gasp joined the woman’s as felt her soul, so ripe and fresh. The hunger rose and Lila allowed it to take control, and she pulled.

The woman’s eyes were locked with Lila’s, trapped in an unholy connection beyond anything she could have imagined. She felt what was happening, but couldn’t stop it. Lila didn’t want to. She never wanted this connection to end. As she felt this powerful woman pull her soul in, she smiled, knowing that now it never would end.

Lila watched so many emotions play over her prey’s eyes. Shock as the connection shook her stupor, a brief flash of despair as she realized she was done for, and a strange joy as accepted her fate. All these things aroused Lila’s hunger, and she pulled harder, drawing more and more of this young soul into herself.

The euphoria filled her, and this time she embraced it. She looked almost affectionately at her prey, feeling the young one surrender, almost eager to become a part of Lila. Her body shook as adult pleasure raced through her body, and she heard laughter from behind her. No longer mocking, but joyous.

A beatific smile on her face, the young woman’s light flickered out. Her eyes went slack. Her body fell to the grass with a soft thud, resting at Lila’s feet. Lila stood, smiling as unholy joy filled her. Had Lila looked at the pool, she would’ve seen that her eyes were now as black as the succubus’. She would have seen the succubus extend leathery wings and rise behind her. A darkness streaked with red emanating from her.

“We WILL be one.” the succubus cried, becoming a ball of red darkness. It reared back, then thrust itself into Lila. If anyone had been there to see it, they would’ve seen Lila engulfed in red energy. It spread out in a circle, consuming the body at her feet and going another ten feet in a semicircle from the pool.

They would see a figure in that red energy. A woman with gleaming red skin, with eyes of fire. Small black horns rose from her forehead, in front of black hair, which was untouched by the energy and falling to her shoulder. Dark wings extended from her back. She was as beautiful and dangerous as the succubus that was a part of her forever more.

She laughed, a sound of flames and passion and emotions no mortal had ever felt.

“Now, the Old Gods will be restored, taking their rightful place once again on this world, and it will exalt me above all others for my deeds!”

With another laugh, the being once called Lila raised her hands, and in a red flash of light disappeared, leaving only a circle of earth behind.

Originally published at

